2021 Father’s Day Tribute: Matthew Silverman
Father's DayCommunity

2021 Father’s Day Tribute: Matthew Silverman

Batya Silverman shares why her Dad is the best, coolest or funniest in town.

Matthew Silverman
Matthew Silverman

Matthew Silverman – Atlanta

One of the greatest things about dads is that we all think we have the best one. And it is true. We all have the best one for us. My dad is the best for me because he supports my baking, which I have been doing for several years. It’s not just one thing that Daddy does; he supports me through the whole process. When I run out of ingredients at the last minute, he always jumps up and offers to run to the store right away. He’s the first one to taste my desserts and tells me what improvements need to be made. When he sees fun baking gadgets at the store or on Amazon, he buys them for me as a surprise. But the biggest thing he has done for me involved redoing our kitchen. He reorganized part of our kitchen and built a pull-out drawer for me to store all of my baking supplies. Now I have a dedicated space for all of my gadgets and baking supplies. He’s helped me set up my own business so I can sell baked goods in my community. I love him so much and am so happy he is my dad.

Batya Silverman

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