Letter to the Editor: Jake Pickering
Letter to the EditorOpinion

Letter to the Editor: Jake Pickering

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The day of the Native American mascot is over. In 2020 and 2021, Blue Georgia has gone a long way towards proving “The New South” is for real. Step up again, Atlanta.

Make this the final season for the Atlanta “Braves” and feel free to choose from any of the following 10 new team names for Atlanta’s Major League Baseball franchise:
* Atlanta Raves
* Atlanta Backwoods
* Atlanta Knaves
* Atlanta Anabolics
* Atlanta Caves
* Atlanta Barbarians
* Atlanta Saves
* Atlanta Barbarellas
* Atlanta Super Daves
* Atlanta Bandits

(Jerry Reed’s “East Bound and Down” can be the team’s theme song, and Kenny Powers can be the new team mascot.)

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