Bully. Coward. Victim. The Story of Roy Cohn

Bully. Coward. Victim. The Story of Roy Cohn

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Roy Cohn was a corrupt attorney who began his career as an anti-communist prosecutor, which led to the questionable death sentence of two Jewish American parents, alleged spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. 

This is a story told by their granddaughter, shining the light on the corrupt counsel who fought for the Rosenberg’s death penalty. Ruthless and unconscionable, Roy Cohn was known as a “fixer” for the rich, the crooked and the famous, with a reputation for victoriously settling 60 to 75 percent of his cases out of court.  

An aggressive lawyer who hated to lose and would do anything in his power to win, Cohn is believed to have mentored Donald Trump. Behind this tough persona was a gay man who was unable to show his full identity to the public. His flamboyant lifestyle surrounded him with young men either at Studio 54 or during summers in Provincetown, Mass., known to be a gay community.  Cohn was criticized by his peers as a self-loathing villain, for hiding in the closet and fighting against gay rights.

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