62nd Annual Conference of the Jewish Educators Assembly

62nd Annual Conference of the Jewish Educators Assembly

/ Nancy Seifert Gorod / // Jewish Educators Assembly //

The 62nd annual conference of the Jewish Educators Assembly will take place January 26-29 at the Westin Atlanta Perimeter North Hotel.  The conference is the premier educational conference for Conservative movement educators from day schools, congregational schools, early childhood programs, and informal programs.  The Conservative  Jewish Youth Directors Association’s annual conference will be taking place at the same time, and there will be various sharing and programming opportunities for the two organizations.

The conference will feature an Israel education intensive with Dr. Ken Stein, the Founder and Director of the Center for Israel Education at Emory University, and members of his staff.

The featured speakers for the conference include Dr. Jonathan Woocher, President of the Lippman Kanfer Institute for Living Torah, Cyd Weissman, Director of Innovation in Congregational Learning, for the Jewish Education Project in New York, and Rabbi Paul Steinberg, Associate Rabbi and Senior educator at Valley Beth Shalom in Encino, CA.

The conference will consist of workshops and discussions focusing on engaging the 21st century learner.  Through affinity groups, panel presentations and reflective discussions, conference participants will work together to better understand the challenges that educators face and uncover opportunities and resources that are available.

A highlight of the conference will be Gala Community Concert and Dessert Reception honoring Shelley and Scott Kaplan.  The concert will feature performances by three local Jewish music superstars – Paz, The Moody Jews and As Of Yet:  A Laurence Rosenthal Project.  The concert is open to the community.  The cost for the concert and dessert reception is $36.00.  Deadline for reservation is January 16.  You may reserve your seats online by visiting the website www.jewisheducators.org.

For more information, contact

Nancy Seifert Gorod seifertgorod@gmail.com

Marcia Lindner mlindner@AAsynagogue.org


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