Send Us Sukkah Photos

Send Us Sukkah Photos

You took the time to decorate it now show it off by sending us a photo of your newly built Sukkah.

We have no archaeological evidence of selfie sticks to indicate that ancient Israelites took family photos while lounging in sukkahs outside Jerusalem during the annual Sukkot sojourn to the Temple.

Nevertheless, the AJT wants to dust off the tradition of printing and posting online a community gallery of Jewish Atlanta’s decorated temporary dwelling places.

It’s not a contest, so we’re offering no prizes for the snazziest or sturdiest sukkah. We just want to share the holiday spirit and creativity.

Simply take a photo or two of your decorated sukkah, preferably with family and friends inside, and email the high-res images to by noon Thursday, Oct. 19. We’ll run as many photos as we can fit in our Oct. 27 issue.

That happens to be a special education issue, so we hope people will study up for next Sukkot, which starts Sept. 23, 2018.

To prepare for this Sukkot, check out these stories:

Click here for more Sukkot coverage.

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